So the countdown by months has really turned into the countdown by weeks . It is amazing to me how I have been pregnant for the better part of a year. Looking back on those days when I thought " man , I wish this could go by faster, it's taking forever," has changed to something more like " oh my gosh , is it really gonna be happening so soon ?!" I go through many rapid emotional ups and downs these days , as Dustin could tell you is true. I go from being extremely happy and elated , almost euphoric at times , to being extremely worried and anxious. I will always continue to feel extremely blessed about our impending arrival , but in all honesty I am getting really nervous! I know that is totally normal and probably to be expected , especially with our first baby. I just wish there was some way we could know exactly how everything will turn out. But , then again I guess that would take out a chunk of the experience. The only reason I worry so much is because I care. Other than your typical first time parent worries , everything else is going good in the emotional department.
Recently this last trimester has been kicking my butt! For those of you who don't know already , I do not work full time. However , when I do work , I am extremely active and on my feet for long periods of time. I think what is really catching up to me now is the fact that Aubrey has finally packed on the pounds. At 35 weeks they are 5-51/2 pounds and a little over 13 inches long. And let me tell you , I can feel every pound of it! I am getting more pressure in my lower abdomen and a lot more braxton hicks . My feet are pretty much always swollen , and they get worse if I stand or sit for long periods of time. I woke up with a migraine so bad this morning that my Tongue was numb! Can you say doctors visit? Everything was fine , and they said it was due to the migraine. But , the absolute worst symptom so far has been the fatigue! have never been so tired in my life , other than in the first trimester.But , even then it was a different kind of fatigue. I am having trouble sleeping at night and have pretty much been on the couch for 2 weeks solid. I am also back to napping on a daily basis , which keeps me up longer at night. I have learned to get the sleep while I can though. I just keep telling myself that it is practice for when Ms. Aubrey Belle arrives :)
Speaking of Aubrey , she is doing Great! She is taking up room in me wherever she can get it at this point . I can pick out individual limbs instead of just a big blob. Her little knees and feet often go from one side of the belly straight across to the other which is one of my favorite feelings. She has also been getting the hiccups several times a day , every day for the past week or so. I guess she will have some strong lungs:) I still marvel at her when she is moving around , and when Dustin is talking to her and she stops moving. She has definate personality traits now and it is really cool. With every day that passes I get more and more excited and can't wait to meet her!
so so sweet... i'm so excited for you guys!