Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What's a good name for this blog?

I really want to think of a better name for this blog. Baby Kinney Blog is just boring to me. So for now it's just B A B Y!

Anyone have any creative suggestions?

Monday, March 30, 2009

New car?

So, I am giving serious consideration to buying another car. With a baby on the way, a 2 door hatchback, is just not gonna cut it! I can't even imagine trying to get in and out of that thing with a car seat with a baby in it. I love my car, and it is in good condition , but I think it is time to part :(

Sunday, March 29, 2009

First toy purchase

Kristina picked this up at Ikea today. :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dad's POV

I don't mean to push down Kristina's latest video log but I thought it was time I posted something about MY experience. I feel really bad about my initial reaction to the big news as evidenced in one of the first videos we posted. A baby has been our agenda for the last year or so and with Kristina's PCOS neither of us thought this would be happening so soon! I generally have a difficult time expressing my feelings and I tend to downplay major life events. But I'm happy and excited.

I've been waiting for today's dr. visit so Kristina's worries could be put to rest for a while. This weekend we were afraid when some of her symptoms changed that it was early signs of a miscarriage. So I played the protector role this weekend making sure she stayed off her feet and took it easy just to be on the safe side. She took off work Friday and Saturday, but by Sunday she was ready to get out of the house.

We went to church and then headed to her parents down south. It was funny because before we went down there I told her "you still need to take it easy. No 3 hour shopping excursions with your mom." It didn't take long before she was asking me about going out to get a kiddie pool for the family turtle to swim in outside. :) It wasn't going to be a long shopping trip like they would normally take on a Sunday so I figured that was fine.

So the appointment went well this afternoon. I was excited to see an actual baby on the screen instead of a black dot, and hearing the heartbeat was amazing. Whether it's a boy or girl I can't wait to start getting it accustomed to lots of great music with headphones. :)

So....I guess that's it for now.

3rd Sonogram and interesting weather today

Friday, March 20, 2009

Maybe not so good news.

Well today I woke up and all my breast tenderness was absolutely gone. I also discovered there was a little bleeding this morning. Later on in the day I started cramping and just feeling uncomfortable . So I called my doctor and he said all these symptoms could be a sign of an impending miss carriage. He suggested I stay off my feet for the next couple days , so seeing as how I work retail I called into work for today and tomorrow . He also said everything could be fine , but there is no way of knowing without an ultrasound. The only way I could get one is by going to the emergency room , and I really don't want to do that unless I absolutely have to.

So please keep us in your prayers that one way or the other we will be OK. I will keep everyone updated as to what exactly is going on as soon as I find out more info , which at it's earliest will be Monday if nothing else goes "wrong".

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009