Saturday, March 13, 2010

This is what has been on my mind.

So, latley I have really been wanting to do some more videos. As some of you may know our computer has really been freaking out and I think it would would make it a little difficult, but I am almost willing to try. There is so much new stuff going on with Aubs and I have a lot of things on my mind when it comes to motherhood that I would like to share. I would also like some feedback from other moms and people who have experience with children. I would really like it to take off and get a big following. It's not an original idea by any means, but it is something I have really been thinking about lately. I know how much I LOVE subscribing to other moms on youtube, so why wouldn't other people like to subscribe to me? Hopefully yall will be seeing me soon on a Vlog :)