Monday, January 10, 2011

What My life has become.

My life has become:
changing your diapers
picking up toys
scheduling meals
and cleaning you after meals
stain removal and laundry expert
waking up early and working nights

I'm fine with that.

My life has become:
playing with you on the floor
watching you soak up every bit of new knowledge
Itsy Bitsy Spider on repeat
Baby Einstein emergency
peek-a-boo chasing
animal noise making
book reading
and ready...... set.......... going!

I really like that.

My life has become:
snuggles in the morning
bye bye's and kisses good night
Daddy is home excitement
watching you dance to the washing machine thumps
learning pure joy and love
and nurturing and loving the most beautiful blessing I have ever received

I Love that.