Thursday, July 16, 2009

Funny blurb about headphones

The thing I can't wait to share with Aubrey Belle is music. Anyone who knows me understands how much of a music lover I am. When I try to picture what our household is going to be like one thing I continue to envision is our house just being a house of music. :)

I think it was just over a week ago I decided I wanted to play some music for Aubrey using my DJ headphones and iPod. Kristina and I were just laying in bed getting setup for this. The funny part of the story is when she was first trying to get the headphones pointed towards her belly, she came SO UNBELIEVABLY CLOSE to breaking my headphones in half because she was trying to stretch them over her belly!

That would've been a bad day if it had actually happened. Thank God it didn't.

Monday, July 6, 2009

I am 23 weeks and one day in this video! I have felt baby girl kicking a lot lately. She is over 11 inches long and weighs just over 1 pound! I can't believe how fast things are moving now! My belly is getting rounder, and I seem to have developed a bit of a waddle already :( People have actually been asking me if I am pregnant now and touching my baby bump. Dustin has finally felt her kick over the last week, and he also saw her using this same " method". So I have a metal coaster on my belly. You can see her movement s much easier with something on my tummy. After the one minute mark the coaster will jump a couple of times , and that is her kicking it! I go to the doctor this Wednesday and hope to do an update video. I hope yall enjoy!